The Power of Story and Emotional Appeal |
Much of selling is Story Telling. The ability to involve the emotions of the client is key to persuading them to take the action you want. A story is a powerful persuasion tool. But the story must be exactly right. I’ll cover the components of a persuasive story and show how easy it is to incorporate this tool in your sales.
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Covert Persuasion, Part 1 |
There are over 200 specific tactics available for you to use to persuade other people to do what you want ... and have them want to do it. In this article, I highlight one of the fundamentals. This is a multi-part series. Stay tuned for more!
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Speakman's Persuasion Secrets ... #1 |
#1 = Scarcity. This is a powerful technique! It's used on you every single day ... whether you know it or not! Now, it's your turn to use it's full power to help you get more of want you want faster!
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Speakman's Persuasion Secrets ... #2 |
#2 = RECIPROCITY. This is an almost automatic response that's built into us from childhood. When someone gives us something of perceived value, we feel the need to repay it with something from us of similar value. This tactic is also used on you almost daily by marketers, co-workers, and yes, even your family ... read more to learn how YOU can use it to get more of what you want, faster!
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Speakman Persuasion Secret #3 |
Speakman Persuasion Secret #3: Commitment Escalation. This is a technique used on you more often than you might think. The process is simple. It starts with getting you to do something very small, very low risk, very safe. Then, the psychology begins to work. We are wired to be consistent with our previous commitments ... so, we will be much more likely to take the next larger step (having already taken the first step). Commitments escalate to the point where within a few short moves, you are fully involved at a level you would not have considered without the previous smaller steps.
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How they persuade YOU to donate! |
Have you wondered why so many people are persuaded to donate to the Tsunami Relief effort? There are some powerful persuasion tatics that are at work here. Read more to find out...
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Verbal Judo Street Maxims |
Read these maxims carefully and translate them into your industry! Not all will apply to you, but there might be one or two that are real powerful!!
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Principles of Disinterest |
There is an old saying that you should "sell like you don't need the sale". These are the principles of disinterest and they are based on your ability to keep your personal emotional feelings out of the persuasion situation. Read these carefully and see which ones apply to your situation.
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The Art of Paraphrasing |
There is a technique that is proven to eliminate most misunderstandings ... it's paraphrasing! But, it's not easy ... there is an Art to it. Read the following carefully and see which tips apply to your situation!
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Expectation Peruasion! |
There is a powerful tool available to you ... to use on your own mind and thoughts ... and to use on the other people in your life. Read this powerful article and think about the ways you can use the power of Expectation to Persuade others!!
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Persuasion is EVERYWHERE!! |
You can't escape ... attempts to persuade you are coming from all sides, all the time! A couple of current events have captured my attention lately, and I thought I'd share my thoughts with you ... Read on ...
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