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Inside Monday Night Football Date Posted: 8/22/2005

Persuasion E-News

By Jim Speakman

August 2005



In this issue:

·        “Inside Monday Night Football!”

·        A special offer for you … 100 pages of Persuasion?


It’s been a while since my last issue of Persuasion E-News!  A lot has happened … I’ve read 17 new books on Psychology, Persuasion, & Human Motivation.  My study of Persuasion marches on!  I have some new thoughts to share with you and a special offer for you.


As many of you know, I hold a unique position in our community as the Chairman of the Pro Football Hall of Fame Game Committee.  In this capacity, I do some very interesting things.  I attend meeting with security officials (including the Secret Service, FBI, Sheriff and more).  I also attend many, many planning meetings … some with ABC TV / ESPN people present … and several with my own Game Committee.


I’ve experienced so many different and distinct settings where people are trying to persuade those around them to take the action they want.  My experiences “behind the scenes” at Monday Night Football have taken my interest in How to Persuade people to a whole new level.  I’m preparing a speech/presentation on “Behind the Scenes at Monday Night Football”!


My professional life is filled with opportunities to persuade as well.  The company I work for employs Copywriters who have the responsibility to persuade using only the visual channel.  Specifically, they use Newspaper advertising (nationwide).  Their job is to get calls generated!  I’m curious how much / how well they understand and use the Psychology of Persuasion.  I think we could all use a refresher course on the basics of Persuasion!


Coming this November, I will be the featured speaker at the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce Fast Break Breakfast Series.  I’ll be sharing some very critical insights into how to Persuade!  You’re welcome to attend!


Now, for this issue’s insights into Persuasion!


Have you ever wondered why you do what you do?  Or why sometimes people seem to follow your suggestions and sometimes they seem to fight you?


1.       Exclusivity … verbally frame the opportunity to comply with your request seem as though you are giving them a rare opportunity … and that only a select few get the chance to do what you are asking.  The implication is that if they do not take advantage of this (or comply with your request) that they will miss out or lose the opportunity to feel / enjoy exclusivity.  The secret to this technique is based on the 4 steps of persuasion:

a.       Know your end goal … know it VERY CLEARLY!

b.      Know what the other party will LOSE by NOT complying

c.       Know what the other party will GAIN by complying

d.      Makes your persuasive request for them to take ACTION … using as many persuasion techniques as possible!!


2.       Similar Others Persuade! … As a rule, we are persuaded more by people who we feel are like us.  Therefore, when trying to persuade others, dress like them, and match and mirror their behavior.  This does NOT mean you mimic them … it simply means that you make an attempt to appear to be more LIKE them than unlike them.  This simple step will help you be more successful right away!



Monday Night Football was a success.  But, as with any event or workplace with a lot of people … not everything went smoothly.  There are personality conflicts and small battles.  These are simply breakdowns in attempts to persuade and when that happens, it usually sounds like commands being given.  People end up resenting the person who is barking orders and quickly becomes less likely to lend a hand in the future (and that future could be the next 5 minutes!).


So, when it comes to persuading others successfully, you need to know clearly what the outcome is you’re trying to achieve.  You need to think in advance … more than usual.  Anticipating the other person’s thoughts and actions is part of the key to your success.


“I play to win, whether during practice or a real game.   And I will not let anything get in the way of me and my competitive enthusiasm to win.”

n      Michael Jordan


A Special offer just for you…

Recently, I’ve been asked to reveal all the techniques I’ve discovered / uncovered in all the books I’ve read.  The challenge is difficult because this particular request has me limited to just 100 power-packed pages.  That’s my limit.  So, it will be an incredibly condensed book. No fluff.  Just the core Persuasion techniques. 


Here’s my question for you:  Would you like a copy of this book?  Right now each copy will be $50.  But, if enough of the readers of Persuasion E-News respond with requests for their own copy, then I believe I can get the price down to only $19. 


As some of you know, I am a PhotoReader.  I read books extremely fast.  One thing I’ve found is that most books have a lot of page-filling fluff … my 100 page book has no room for that.  In facet each technique it reveals could have a complete book devoted to it alone!


So, no puffery … just hard-hitting, result-producing Persuasion information to help you get more of what you want from your family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, voters, etc...


If you would like to Pre-Order your copy of this 100-page yet-to-be-titled power-packed book … simply send an email to: and let  me know how many copies you would like to reserve.


So, until next time, keep a healthy curiosity about people … send me any questions you have about Persuasion … and let me know how many copies you would like to reserve!


Have a great week!


Jim Speakman

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