You are a Company
of One |
In this presentation, I focus on the concept that
as a commission-based salesperson, you are in reality
the head of your own company. Would you pay someone
to do what you are actually doing? I discuss issues
of time management and the value of each activity
during the day. The main goal here is to create the
"Ahhh!" realization that you are totally
responsible for your own success/failure.
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The 3 Ways
to Grow Your "Business" |
The focus is on (1) Getting more customers, (2)
Having them buy more often during the year, and (3)
Increasing the amount of each purchase. That’s
it. I then share specific steps they can take to accomplish
all three steps. This is a powerful package of information.
Most salespeople don’t realize the dramatic
multiplying effect these three steps have when they
do all three at the same time!
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The Persuasive Attitude |
Success is a mindset. I teach the specifics of how to create and continually cultivate a habit-of-mind that results in a greater level of success. This segment focuses on the power of the salesperson’s attitude and it’s direct impact on his/her sales. I lightly touch on some aspects of self-persuasion as it relates to developing a positive and profitable self-image.
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The Power of Asking Questions |
Studies show that slightly over 80% of all communication between two people is
misunderstood. In The Power of Asking Questions, I show how you can avoid misunderstandings, and secure more sales by asking the right questions. These techniques also provide powerful additional benefits in the form of increased rapport with the client / person.
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Start the Day When it’s Finished |
Every salesperson has been told to “build rapport” with their clients. But, an overwhelming majority don’t really know what that means, and much less how to actually do it. In this segment, I go over very specific scientifically proven methods to build rapport. Some of this material I cover here is from the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It works. It’s fascinating. It will make salespeople more effective!
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Persuasion, The Rapport |
Every salesperson has been told to “build rapport” with their clients. But, an overwhelming majority don’t really know what that means, and much less how to actually do it. In this segment, I go over very specific scientifically proven methods to build rapport. Some of this material I cover here is from the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It works. It’s fascinating. It will make salespeople more effective!
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Persuasion, The Words |
In the process of communicating in person, words represent only 7% of the meaning conveyed. However, to an advertising salesperson, words take on additional meaning. I have compiled a list of the most persuasive words in advertising and I share them in this segment. The successful salesperson must not only know the words that persuade the clients’ customers to buy his products, but he/she must also know the words that will persuade the client to buy the advertising in the first place. I cover both angles here, plus more!
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Persuasion, The Tools Part #1 |
This topic is so large;
I have broken it down into 3 segments. In this first
segment, I discuss the foundation of the persuasion
process and what the salesperson must do to set the
context for effective persuasion. It
is a fact that what comes directly before the actual
request for compliance (the close) is actually more
influential in the communication process than the request
itself. In this segment, I show them how to set the
context. Then I share the first tool
of persuasion and influence: reciprocity.
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Persuasion, The Tools Part #2 |
As this powerful topic
continues, we explore two more actual weapons of influence.
They are: scarcity and authority.
Through many examples from advertising they see everyday,
I’ll show them how these tactics are being used
on them everyday … and they’ll realize they
are being persuaded. I then share the details of these
two powerful persuasion strategies.
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Persuasion, The Tools Part #3 |
In this segment, I
cover three powerful influence & persuasion tactics:
commitment & consistency, social proof,
and liking. These are responsible for
many of the things you do … and you probably don’t
realize it. We’ll explore how to use these tactics
ethically on your clients … and by extension,
how your clients can use them on their customers.
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Police Persuasion Tactics (Verbal Judo) |
These techniques are unique. I personally learned them directly from the Police training session conducted by the Verbal Judo Training Institute. Many of these techniques work perfectly in the sales profession. The communication tactics found here will help the salesperson communicate more clearly, and close more sales.
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The Power of Anticipation |
I teach how to anticipate objections, fears, and concerns of clients and their customers. When you anticipate, you are one step ahead of the other person. You’re ready. You’ve thought through the possibilities. Your chances of success have dramatically increased. Most salespeople don’t anticipate. When you learn this technique, you’ll be more confident and successful.
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Building Your Library |
There is nothing more valuable to you than learning. I’ve spent years building my personal library. I’ll share the best of what I’ve done and provide a starting point to build your library. I’ll cover the most important card that you probably don’t have in your wallet / purse. I’ll discuss developing curiosity. Recommending books builds your image.
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Write NOW! |
This segment is focused on the creation of a new habit: journaling. It’s often said that a life worth living is a life worth recording. When you write it gives you clarity. You can sharpen your focus on what you’ve done, what happened, and what it all means. Reading over past entries will help you make decisions in the future. I’ve kept journals. It’s a fascinating tool.
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Your Client’s Universe of Options |
We often become too narrowly focused on the importance of what we sell in the life of our clients. In this segment, I go over all the options available to a “client.” I let participants view the situation as I play the role of the “client.” I explore all the options at my disposal. As I think out loud, participants can see that what they offer is only a very small part of the options available and the general concerns of the day of the “client.”
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How to Negotiate the Deal |
Negotiation is a part of everyday life. In this segment, I’ll cover approximately 24 tactics of negotiation so that the salesperson can create a real “Win-Win” solution. I’ll de-mystify this subject and make it useable to the salesperson everyday.
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Personal USP |
USP is “Unique Selling Proposition” and you must be able to articulate yours in 30 seconds or less. You also must understand the USP of your company – and be able to communicate it clearly – and to use it as the reason to do business today.
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Thinking Techniques |
We all sometimes find ourselves in a rut. I’ve researched and worked with dozens of ways to work your brain to create new ideas. These tools are all specifically chosen to help increase sales. We’ll not only explore how to think in new ways, but we’ll extend the thinking tools to teach the client. This helps to position the salesperson as a true “consultant.”
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The Power of
Story and Emotional Appeal |
Much of selling is
Story Telling. The ability to involve the emotions of
the client is key to persuading them to take the action
you want. A story is a powerful persuasion tool. But
the story must be exactly right. I’ll cover the
components of a persuasive story and show how easy it
is to incorporate this tool in your sales.
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